Equipment for filling liquids


Omas s.r.l.


The company Omas S.r.l. is situated in Italy, close to Milano. They are producing the automatic machines, for filling the liquid, pouder and density products in variious containers and tubes. They are producing also verious types of mixers for preparing the products. The company Omas has more than 40 years of experience and tradition. Their production is mostly orientated in kosmetic and farmaceutical industry.

In their assortment you can find:

- Automatic filling machines for liquid
- Automatic filling machines for tubes
- Semiautomatic machines for filling lequid and pouders
- Mixers for preparing the products

More about the company you can find: OMAS TECNOSISTEMI




The company Weightpack S.r.l. is situated in Italy, close to the city Mantova. They are world wide known producer of automatic filling machines in food and non food industry. They are specialized mostly for machines for filling of the sensitive products like milk, oil, juice in glas and PET bottles in the various volume. The filling machines are produced also for non food industry for filling detergents, shampo, motor oil and some other liquid products.

In their assortment you can find:

- Automatic filling monoblocks, where included sistem for washing, bottling and closing of the glass or PET bottles.
- Monoblocks where included moulding sistem for making PET bottles, bottling and closing of PET
- Asseptic monoblocks
- Filling machines
- Closing machines

More about the company you can find: WEIGHTPACK